Whare Tukutuku are excited to share with whānau the review and update of Te Hau Mārire: Addiction Workforce Strategic Framework. The original framework was released in 2015 and sought to guide the development of an AOD workforce from 2015–2025.
The 2023 review provides a snapshot of the progress on objectives, actions, and associated activities since 2015. As part of this, a small group of leaders from across the AOD space were interviewed to understand where the workforce has been and where it would like to be in the future. To read the review of Te Hau Mārire, click here.
The next step is a much wider consultation process to create a Māori AOD Workforce Action plan for the next five years. Whare Tukutuku have engaged Allen & Clarke to assist with this work. This is where we need your help.
AOD harms effect everyone – to address these harms we need a plan that pushes for investment and development to ensure that our whānau get the care they need.
There’ll be more details about how you can share your whakaaro on the action plan in the coming weeks. If you’d like to take part, keep an eye out on our facebook page for more details.