Mana over Meth: New Approaches to Reducing AOD Harms

In November 2022, Jessica Apanui (Ngāti Porou) and Holly Beckham (Ngāti Rangi) released Mana over Meth – a powerful documentary telling the story of how Jess overcame her challenges with methamphetamine and reconnected with Te Ao Māori and her whakapapa. The film reassured whānau that there is hope and that it is okay to ask for awhi.

After the release of Mana over Meth, Jessica and Holly identified the need to support rangatahi Māori to have a safe space to discuss AOD experiences and challenges. After running a pilot across Te Tai Tokerau, they applied to the Ki te Ara Whakamua: Māori AOD Community Action Fund in 2023, and received pūtea to visit kura kaupapa across Te Tai Rāwhiti and Eastern Bay of Plenty.

Jessica and Holly start each wānanga with a karakia, and share their AOD challenges. They champion the value that lived experience brings to AOD services as critical skills in whanaungatanga, empathy and advocacy, facilitating and fostering healing and recovery. During each wānanga, the rangatahi then have the opportunity to kōrero and talk about their own experiences with AOD, through engaging in real life situations as a group. Mana Over Meth Kura Kaupapa reached 95 rangatahi across six schools.

Mana over Meth Kura Kaupapa is an excellent example of new and innovative ways to support whānau with AOD concerns. Jessica and Holly are the embodiment of the Pae Ora Healthy Futures principle of Whānau Ora – they affirm their Māori culture, their tino rangatiratanga, and support others in their journey to pae ora. Jessica and Holly were able to awhi 18 of the rangatahi who attended the wānanga to get additional support from AOD services, showing the need for mahi in this area. Kā rawe Jessica and Holly!

Ki te Ara Whakamua: Māori AOD Community Action Fund is open for applications again until 15 March 2024. If you have an innovative idea like Mana over Meth Kura Kaupapa to support whānau Māori with AOD concerns, apply here:

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