TE RAU ORA has developed
‘Whare Tukutuku’ to elevate an alcohol and other drug (AOD) workforce. We want to create a future alcohol and other drug workforce that is whānau-centered and community-focused, redesigned for new scopes of practice, culturally capable, and willing to innovate to improve Māori health outcomes.

About us

Whare Tukutuku – Whānau Supporting Whānau

Whare Tukutuku is the National Addiction Centre that sits within the korowai of Te Rau Ora. Our approach is to elevate an alcohol and other drug (AOD) workforce that is whānau-centred and community-focused. We āwhi whānau who mahi in the alcohol and other drug space to improve equity of care. We encourage pou whānau to be part of a workforce that is connected to other whānau within their rohe.

Whare Tukutuku appreciates the absolute importance of whānau working within their hapori, in places that acknowledge whānau mana, rangatiratanga, and connection to whenua. Te Rau Ora aspire for health workforces to support Māori in a flourishing state. They wish to achieve this by kaupapa Māori driven and responsive to whānau. Whare Tukutuku want to create a future AOD workforce that is culturally capable, willing to innovate and support a Māori approach to improve Māori health outcomes.

We’re about Māori views of wellness being heard and valued.

Alan Tawhi-Amopiu designed the tohu for
Whare Tukutuku.

Kā Kaimahi
Our Staff

Koro Hata Temo

Tracey Potiki


