Karere Mai
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Wānanga – Community Engagement
Whare Tukutuku value community engagement and getting alongside people in their own communities. We recognise whānau strengths and their ability to find solutions to their own challenges.

Whare Tukutuku would like to acknowledge the gifts, resilience, and mātauranga of whānau who continue to share their whakaaro and time with us. Their whakaaro has helped build the foundations of our engagement approach to caring for whānau with alcohol and other drug challenges.
The team will partner with communities to build care practices that can grow a workforce that has the capability to address changing needs.
If you would like to wānanga with us, we’d love to connect with you and your hapori, to share stories, and celebrate who we are as whānau Māori.
The community engagement can also be through an online platform, such as “He Mana Ake”: a Māori way of working. The series encouraged whānau to be a part of a workforce that celebrates Māori ways of being and doing.